Can you explain this to an 'old foaggie'?
I see the words 'poser' and 'rick-rolled' used on facebook to describe someone. Please explain the meaning.
I see the words 'poser' and 'rick-rolled' used on facebook to describe someone. Please explain the meaning.
LC Instructor
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(1) Poser--someone who poses or pretends to be something he/she isn't. Usually, they are pretending to be cool, hip, bad-asses, but in fact they're just average.
(2) from the internet: "A 'rickroll' is a prank played on an unsuspecting web surfer. To be rickrolled is when browsing a website (especially a discussion forum or comment board), one comes across a link expecting it to lead to one thing, but finds something completely different when the link is clicked.
The name Rick refers to '80s pop singer Rick Astley. The standard rickroll generally involves someone posting a link claiming it leads to something quite interesting (e.g., hot chicks in panties), but actually goes to a video of Astley singing (which is a disappointment)"
'Old foggie' (pronounced 'FOH-ghee' with a hard 'g' sound). It's a term which has been around for decades and means 'old person' set in his ways.
'Poser' could mean a difficult question or puzzle, but it could also mean someone who poses (pretends to be) someone other than he is.
'Rick-rolled' is being tricked into clicking on the Rick Astley video 'Never Gonna Give You Up: