Who is cooking Thanksgiving dinner?

I like to cook. I also like to eat. If you are having Thanksgiving, will you be cooking, eating out, or with family? Happy Thanksgiving.


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Since I'm not going up North this Thanksgiving my son is cooking a deep fried turkey.I'm cooking potatoes & the veggies. My DIL is baking an apple pie & corn bread from scratch.I'll also make a small ham too.It's going to be a Southern dinner this year. Happy & healthy & safe Thanksgiving to all.

Marilyn T2011-11-22T08:43:37Z

We will be cooking a big turkey this year.
We are home in the US this winter with our son so having a big dinner with him will be nice.
Last holiday we were overseas and they don't have Thanksgiving in Hungary and it is hard to find a whole turkey as well. They don't seem to like roasted turkey there, you can buy a whole goose or duck for less then turkey.
I was looking at the frozen geese here in one of the food stores and it was over $76.!!
In Hungary it would be less then $20. for a whole goose.
Hope everyone has a great holiday


Hubby is. I will be in and out of the kitchen through the day, lending as needed. Also, I will be washing and putting away used pots and pans and whatever. I will have to do the dishes after the dinner, so any clean up I can do ahead will be a help.

Daughter, her husband, and 3 grandkids will be coming for dinner. We got a big turkey and stuff, so we can send a large care package back home with them afterwards.

And on Christmas, we will go to the kids' house, son in law will cook dinner. He is a very good cook.


Mswnana - Not anymore. I held that honor for
over 40 years until I could no longer do the

Our family brings the dinner to us and since
I taught them to cook - they know what I like
and they know just how I like it.

They do a great job of cooking and baking
our traditional Thanksgiving dinner.

May I wish a Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Yum! Can't wait for the dressing and the
Pumpkin Pie. My favorite part of it.


Yes, I'm cooking for the whole bunch again, although my 2 daughters always bring casseroles or pies with them.
My son just got engaged so we 're welcoming his fiances family too. Should be 15 for dinner.
We don't have a Thanksgiving Day in England but this was always my favorite time of year in the church. We collected harvest goodies & went door to door giving out baskets for elderly people .
Here, we always draw names for Christmas gifts for the adults on Thanksgiving (everyone just buys a gift for the person who's name they get).
My husband is a cop & works on Thursday so we're having our celebration the 22nd.
Our family have dealt with many, many difficult situations this year so we're happy to be able to give thanks at last.

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