Why can’t the thoughtless refrain from pursuing the unattainable?


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self-restraint would require thought..

and i must say,
the pursuit of the unattainable
is one of man's nobler insanities..

..every once in a while,
some crazy, stubborn bugger
touches the moon!


Because they want deep Philosophical answers to smart Psychological questions, LOL.
:) (:

Your Friend D:2011-11-21T23:48:18Z

Is it so bad to give in to passions, desires, lust, and dreams?
To dream is unattainable, but we all do it.

Kyle S2011-11-22T00:12:00Z

Can't say I've thought about that...I'm just too busy planning my wedding with Shakira


This is because they are too thick to realise, they can,t have everything in life,and normally they don.t have a spiritual outlook on life, they are shallow.