Why do boys in movies always have bowl haircuts?

The kids, like anywhere from 4-13 years old, are often shown with thick, bowl-style haircuts, regardless of whatever decade that movie is made in (70's til today).
Bowl cuts do not exist great frequency in "real life", which would suggest that they are not particularly desireable. So why are they shown so much more often in movies? Is there some kind of cinematic reason, like how cartoon character never actually have five fingers? Or like how soccer balls hexagonal patterning was engineered so they would show up better on black and white TV screens better? Or is there some "symbolic" reason for it?

LORD Z2011-11-22T00:58:03Z

Favorite Answer

It is the age of the actors playing the boys in the show.

By electing for hair helmets and bowl cuts much older boys look much younger and and dissimilar actors look like siblings.

Watch The Suite Life of Zac and Cody to see what I mean.They used the bangs and hair helmets to keep them looking younger longer and to keep them looking similar longer even though the identical twin thing was short lived.

It would look bad to see an 8 year old with worry lines or pimples and it would also look weird for one brother to have straight hair and another curly or one have very long hair and the other really short.



Bowl Haircuts


I think bowl cuts have some sort of symbolic meaning to it. Many young kids, boys or girls, are seen with bowl cuts probably because it looks youthful and playful. It could also be a stereotype. I'm not entirely sure, but these are guesses. =p


We personally think guys look extremely steamy with short hair. I had the guy friend that had a afro and he cut it in seventh grade year and he suddenly obtained soo much cuter.


I've experienced mine both ways too... but the husband prefers it short... he never complains when I grow it lengthy, but is always all over themself w/the complements when I cut this off

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