Manny paquiao stock go down with the fans?

Are we coming to that grim reality that although manny had a great run with some washed out slower welter weights that he is really not the best in boxing? Floyd Mayweather is undefeated and he made Marquez look easy!


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Hey BOX great to see you back! Bienvenido de nuevo!

I absolutely think Pacquiao lost fans! He was a 9-1 favorite to beat Marquez but he could not do it convincingly to win! This is why I have always stated long time ago that Mayweather will beat Pacquaio. My heart wants someone like a gentleman like Pacquaio to win but my mind is saying Mayweather will win because he is more skilled and has more arsenal. Pacquiao struggles with counter punchers! Mayweather is one of the greatest counter punchers ever!

Alex,one-eyed in the land of the blind.2011-11-23T12:05:47Z

Yes i'm one of those that is over elated that reality has set in about the abilities of Manny Pacquiao.Proof that Manny's stock has reduced is the less trolling amongst the Manny P. fans about discrediting Floyd.

Astro Creep2011-11-23T12:10:57Z

the difference between the 2 fights

Floyd vs Marquez - Marquez came as warrior, Marquez attacks..

Manny vs Marquez- Marquez backing off the whole night and waiting to counter...


i love to see the fight, the one dimentional fighter in pacman will outpoint the best defensive counter puncher ever in mayweather.
pacman really knows how to outpoint the counterpuncher,
@ cathee, i think you really like floyd, if pac-floyd comes in action, and pac will defeat floyd what would be your reaction?