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Anonymous asked in SportsBoxing · 1 decade ago

Fans in the neutral corner please answer this boxing poll about Manny Pacquiao?

This is a poll for neutral contributors, do you think Manny Pacquaio is on steroids? Do you believe the accusations? Do you think it is a fact that he is on steroids or it is justifiable to accuse him because of his success in the ring and rejection of Mayweather's newly established Olympic Blood Testing in pro boxing?

I'd like for the respected non-Mayweather and non-Pacquiao fans and top contributors and also the other consistent members to answer this:

Marquez fans may not like Pacquaio or Mosley fans may not like Mayweather so I dont think they have the huge chance to be neutral though there are some who are but they are out of the picture as well.

Anyone is welcome to answer but preferably, I prefer people who are in the neutral corner.

I have been here long and I welcome everyone who wants to answer this, but I want neutrality and justice.

This are the guys I would love to see answers from, because I have massive respect for their neutrality

mrraraavis, G.O.AT, Lestermount, Andrew02 (Lisa's Husband), Woody, Toughguy2, Mark W, Jose Martinez, maurice, celticbrawler, Andrew M, skeet, Jeff Murdoch,etc. (Sorry if I miss some other neutral people) None of these guys have yet to defend Manny nor accused him so it would be interesting on their takes.

Everyone is welcome to answer but I prefer those who are neutral and not a fan of either Mayweather of Pacquiao.


Please I am asking nicely, no trolls, no immature stuff, no insulting, and absolutely no childish stuff!

This is a question only for adults with manners and principles. Thanks :-)

Update 2:

@ Alex, my friend, I dont blame the auspiciousness from the Mayweather or Marquez fans, it is a given because they are fans of the opposite side, but I only ask the question if you personally think he is on steroids or not. What do you think, is he on steroids or not? I respect anyone's opinion, as long as it is neutral, so what is your answer bro?

Update 3:

@ alex, sorry bro, my apologies, you did said no in the beginning and I unintentionally missed it, no need to further elaborate since you already answered. So far Brickfist and Alex says NO.

Please keep em coming my "neutral" friends!

Update 4:

carytop, I have never insulted you but I find it unfair that you have blocked me long time ago and I have always welcomed you to answer my questions and have never said anything bad. What is going on, do I know you from the past? I have always been interested to answer your questions and I dont go into the insult stuff so i find it unfair why u blocked me?

Update 5:

lol @ Isaac, nah bro I am not shock! But I admire your neutrality in this issue. :-)

Update 6:

Guys, just a reminder, and also with all due respect to everyone, this question is reserved to neutral people who have no history of accusing Manny nor defending Manny before. All opinions are welcome but I am after those people who againt did not question Manny's case nor defended it before.

30 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If Manny Pacquiao was on steroids, he wouldn't offer to take the blood test 2 or 3 times in the month of the fight as well as unlimited urine tests the whole time, as he has offered. The only objection he has is taking it the blood test the day before the fight, which is what Floyd is demanding. Instead, Manny compromised and offered to take a blood test right after the fight. No one can seem to understand this and they instead act like Manny refuses to take the blood tests altogether, which is just delusional. Mayweather's own manager was pushing Floyd to accept Manny's offer, and Floyd declined. Only idiots would think Manny's on steroids. There is no bias, only facts.

    Edit - I also think it's hilarious that people have the mentality of "OMG why would he turn down all that money? If it were me, I'd let them take blood from my testicles for that kind of money." People seem to forget that Manny is already well set for finances and he doesn't fight for money, he fights for honor and greatness. Do you really think money means anything to someone like Manny, even not considering the fact that he already has tens of millions that he'll likely never use?

    Sometimes I feel like they advertise this section in special education centers across America. Blind and delusional accusations from blind and delusional people. They would have a very big point if Manny refused to take blood altogether, but he never has, so people should look at him in good eyes merely for even babysitting Mayweather's ridiculous demands as he's done. And contrary to what it might sound like, I am very unbiased on this issue. Facts are facts when you ignore the smoke and mirrors.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Pacquiao has said several times that he does not have a problem with fighting Shane Mosley, should his negotiating team come up with a good deal. What happened was more of a business decision rather that Pacquiao not wanting to face sugar shane. And at that particular time, Cotto was the bigger draw than Mosley. And did it not show in the PPV buys? Pacquiao Cotto was the biggest PPV event of 2009. Besides, Cotto was no push over, he had 2 victories prior to Pacquiao. His loss against Margarito is still being doubted since the plasters were exposed. For all we know Mosley may have really not beaten a prime fighter, because Margarito might have been cheating all along, and he did not have the pyschological confidence when he stepped in the ring. Nonetheless full credits should be given for KOing Margarito. By the way, didnt mosley lose to Cotto? So if Pacquiao did face Mosley, whats gonna stop anyone from saying he ducked cotto and went for the man cotto beat.

  • John S
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    With complete and utter neutrality I ask people on both sides to understand several things. Before I get into things I will state my opinion. No I don't think he is on PED's. Now then moving on. The people who think he is on HGH have some credibility. Manny stated at one point he is afraid of needles. I can respect that. Sonny Liston almost cancelled a fight when he found out he would have to take shots for the same reason. Liston was one tough cookie, no one can deny that and he was afraid of needles. But don't tell me you are afraid of needles when you have tatoos. Next the same people need to be honest and stop with all the "facts". NO ONE suspected Manny or raised the issue before Mayweather Sr spoke. It was simply "Oh yeah I guess that makes sense.......I KNEW IT ALL ALONG". did not. Now for the people who think he is innocent understand that the number of the tests do not matter. HGH cannot be detected in urine with the proper drugs. Shane Mosley proved that. Also people have been known to put drugs in the water a fighter drinks during a fight so that it is not in your system right after the fight. Also just because he has not failed drug tests in the past means nothing. Mosley showed us with proper drugs and assistance you can go years without getting caught. The only way to know for sure is to have random drug tests any time before the fight. But having your opponent know when they are coming regardless of how many you give him does not help or show anything. So stop with all the crap that he offered 14 days before the fight etc because if you know when the test is coming it means nothing. It has to be random to stand a chance and neither fighter proposed it. Personally if I was Mayweather and I owed my entire paycheck to the IRS from my last fight I would fight an opponent naked and give him brass knuckless for a 40 million dollar chance to wipe out my debt and live like a king from only one fight. Mayweather did not want the fight face it. But people who defend Pacquiao need to do more research and realize that what I wrote down is all true for both sides. Neither one is completely right and both have some right to be suspicious. The only real fact of the matter is that both fighters share the blame for this fight not happening.

  • 1 decade ago

    i said that i wouldn't touch this subject no more but for you jon i will make this exception lol.i like reading your answers. you got my respect.i picked manny to beat cotto in 12 rds. if he could somehow stay away from cotto's power.i'm watching the fight and not only does he handle the power he's the one with all the power.and a bag full of it.i was impress and and now wonder if floyd could win.before the cotto fight i said floyd would win if pac and him fought.i like both these guys but pacman brings more excitement.after the steroids issue came up i even question manny and thats why i believe it is justible to believe he's on something but not that it is fact.jon i seen all these mutible belt holders careers and as they won their belts in the upper weights it wasn't all that.they didn't dominate like they did in the lower weights.sugar ray beat hagler after stacking everything in his favor,ring size,gloves and make the fight 12 rds instead of 15.fought for the lightheavy title because the champ was taylor made for him.if i'm not wrong he never fought in those division again.what didn't help was the reasons for not wanting to take the blood test.i heard them saying that the blood test was the reason for the morales lost yet in an interview in 2004 manny and freddie was saying that the winning gloves that was picked by morales was the reason,they called the gloves pillows and never once mention the blood two fights pac gets reyes gloves and whack eric good and like i said i don't hate pacman,his fights bring more excitment that all the fights that are out there,i usually don't pay for ppv by myself but i have for pacman.i hope that it isn't true but i'll always wonder if he is on something.and it's a shame that if he didn't use nothing 20 yrs later the question will always be there because it was never proven that he was clean.

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  • 1 decade ago

    This is just my opinion and I don't have evidence to pro either way if Manny is or is not taking PED's. I personally do not think that he is taking steroids or any other PED's. I started following Pacquiao about 6 years ago after his impressive win over Marco Antonio Barerra. At the time, he was a very aggressive fighter who relied on his fast and powerful left hand to break his opponents down.

    But what I have seen since is a fighter who has gotten better with other fundamentals such as footwork, angles, and the use of his right hand. He is a more complete fighter now. He has improved a lot under Freddie Roach's tutelage and has grown a lot as a fighter.

    I think the steroid accusations are really coming from Floyd Mayweather Sr. I was on a conference call with both Floyd Sr and Freddie Roach back in April to hype the upcoming Pac-Hatton fight, and Floyd spent the whole time ripping Pac and Roach. He claimed an easy victory for Hatton and I think these accusations are a way for him to disguise the fact that his fighter was obliterated and he as a trainer is overrated. Also to consider, at that time, Floyd Jr had yet to embark on his comeback. So now, Floyd Sr and Roger want to put the steroid allegations in overdrive to disgrace Pac and put Floyd Jr back at the top of the P4P rankings.

    I have a lot of respect for Floyd Jr. I think he is a tremendous fighter and behind his persona of playing the villian, he is a well-spoken gentleman. I would love to see him and Pacquiao settle this in the ring. I think the real bad guys in this whole situation are Roger and Floyd Sr.

  • Dave
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I honestly don't think he is on anything. He doesn't look like a steroid, his muscles don't look artificially inflated. If you look at athletes that have tested positive for steroids they always have a sudden improvement in ability or a sudden big change in physique and I haven't seen either of these in changes in Pacquiao. his performances aren't any more impressive than they used to be and he has put on maybe 12-15lbs of muscle in a year and a half which is not impossible. I have to admit that I was annoyed at first that he wouldn't agree to the testing that Floyd asked of him and I admit that I questioned why he wouldn't agree to the testing. I thought it seemed suspicious that Pacquiao wouldn't agree to the testing because I've always thought if you have nothing to hide then whats the problem? It is only natural to be suspicious if someone doesn't agree to more testing and I think that is exactly why Floyd asked for this.

    I think my suspicion came from the fact that I am a big athletics fan. In athletics there is always suspicion around people who are doing amazing things on the track and the thought that they might be on something sometimes crosses your mind. Plus we have seen so many top athletes test positive after winning a gold medal or setting a world record so at the back of your mind there is sometimes a hint of suspicion.For me this is the reason why I questioned why Pacquiao seemed to be avoiding being tested randomly up until the fight but now I'm confident it was for a different reason.

    If The NSAC, WADA, USACA or whoever had demanded that both fighters be tested randomly right up until the fight then I know Pacquiao would have accepted these demands without question. The fact that these demands were coming from Mayweather who's father had already accused Pacquiao of being on steroids without any proof what so ever, made Pacquiao and his team say no, because they didn't want the Mayweathers changing the rules and telling them what to do. If Pacquiao had asked Floyd to subject himself to random testing then I don't think Floyd would have agreed to it either. Boxers have big ego's and there is no love loss between Pacquiao and Mayweather so either one telling the other one what to do was never going to go down well. Its hard enough getting boxers to agree on money let alone get them to agree to their opponents drug testing demands.

    Floyds testing demands were a good thing though because it brought the abysmal drugs testing procedures that are currently in place to our attention. I had no idea testing was so bad until this all happened and I'm glad I now know that any boxer has been able to get away with taking pretty much any substance they want without worrying about being caught.

    I think it is now in the hands of the boxing governing bodies to really do something about drug testing. Boxers themselves have to change the rules to make the sport cleaner it should be the powers that be who do that. I'm sure most boxers would have something to say if their rival started making up new rules and the thing is if you give in to their demands the first time then they will just keep coming up with new demands and they will think they can do whatever they want.

    Pacquiao's success in the boxing ring has nothing to do with steroids in my opinion. I've never thought what he has done in boxing is as a result of doping. He hasn't done anything that hasn't been done before and if you think Pacquiao is on steroids then you have to assume that anyone who has jumped up a few divisions and been successful was on steroids too.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe that he is innocent until proven guilty. He has never tested positive and until now has never even been in a remotely controversial situation involving steroids. I personally believe that Pacman moved away from the fight out of principle alone to tell Mayweather that he doesn't need him for his career and that there are several other boxers that he could make fights with. Mayweather has always boasted that he is the best and despised the fact that De La Hoya was a bigger name and moneymaker even though he beat him. He was making demand after demand until Pacquiao said "Enough!" I believe the fight will eventually happen and Pacman may even agree with the testing as long as he saves face by getting a couple demands of his own in. I haven't made a big deal in my mind over the accusations and I believe if the fight ends up taking place at any date with whatever stipulations all this talk will disappear.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is unlikely that Manny Pacquiao is on steroids of any kind. It is a ploy by Floyd Mayweather and an effort to poison the well, so to speak, on "The Pac-Man's" accomplishments. If he makes enough of a noise as to why Manny is refusing to take a drug test before the fight it can cast serious doubts in the general population's mind. It makes them think Manny is hiding something. The testing Floyd wants, as Brickfists mentioned, is unrealistic and delusional.

    Not many athletes would be willing to put up with such an infringement into their private lives and it would be unfair to expect Manny to do it, too. In America, charges has to be proven and not insinuated or spread vicious gossip in an effort to poison the well. This is what Floyd's camp has been guilty of doing. "Well, he is only winning against De La Hoya because he is juiced," "Manny won that fight against Cotto because he is on 'roids," these charges effectively casts doubt on the legitimacy on Manny's accomplishments and the title of pound-for-pound the best fighter in the world. Floyd, on the other hand, is ruining his legacy and his undefeated record is going to go with a question mark if he continues to cherry pick easy opponents and make lame excuses as to why he does not want to Manny, Sugar Shane or any other dangerous opponent who remotely poses a threat to his glossy record.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey Jon - great question, and I'm enjoying these BS, just what people really feel without the childish antics.

    As you know, I'm a Pac fan (so I'm sorry I'm answering this "nuetral" question, but I had to give my two cents), but most of all, I'm a boxing fan. You probably already know that I don't think Pac's on anything as there is no evidence to suggest it. He hasn't put on 40lbs of muscle as some would suggest. He's simply fighting closer to his normal weight. Against Morales, his fighting weight was 144 (gaining 16lbs after weigh in, typical in boxing), and against Cotto, his fighting weight was presumably around 149 (gaining 5lbs from weigh in to fight night). That really is only a 5lbs difference in 3 years.

    Secondly, he knocked out Hatton with a shot he didn't see. Hatton says he never saw that shot coming. With Cotto, the knock down in the fourth was also from a shot he didn't see. The rest of the fight, Cotto was never hurt. David Diaz was never hurt from a single shot (it was an accumulation of punches), ODLH was never hurt, so people accusing Pac of posessing inhuman power is incorrect.

    Sure he walked away from $40 mil, but Brickfist made the same point that I've tried to make. He already is set for life. I'm sure he's already worth $50 you know how much that is in the Philippines? Does anything think he could blow through that? He's not in the clubs throwing hundred dollar bills in the air. His family is set FOR LIFE. He has never stated that he fights for the money. I think, he was trying to prove his point that he will not be bullied or treated like a cheater, or singled out and frankly, a lot of American's may not understand that. We live in a society where money is everything, and to be faced with an athlete in which that's not the case, we think that he must be hiding something.

    Mayweather could very well believe that he is on something or he could not and just be trying to ruin Pac's reputation or get in his head. We'll never know for sure, but we do know that Mayweather is a master gamesman. He knows how to mess with people psychologically, and I think, initially, he was trying to mess with Pac psychologically, Pac refused to be messed with, and each tried to flex their muscle and show who's boss. In the end, both camps egos got in the way, and Schaefer is right, they are idiots.

    Is Pacquiao perfect? Absolutely not. He could very well be doing PED's...hell, he could be a cocaine addict crack smoking prostitute addicted drunk for all I know, but, as I stated, there has been no evidence to suggest he's ever done PED's, and I will continue to believe his innocence unless there is evidence to suggest his guilt.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think he's not on PED. He did not take the blood testing because of principle. He doesn't care about the money, it is more of what he believes in. Alex L is right when you can wear off 5000 calories through heavy training and hard work. Anybody can do it. But what is extraordinary is Manny's built. With a small physique, it makes you an extraordinary athlete to do that. But the way he trains, it is really possible. Plus, I guess a lot of boxers would agree with with me that it's easier to retain power by putting some weight rather than losing weight. I think that's what manny is doing that's why he opts to fight bigger boxers so that he will not be dehydrated that much during fight day. He is always fighting in his natural weight which is i think lightwelter to welterweight. If he goes up one more division, you will see a definitely a sluggish manny pacquiao.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pacquiao isn't using any steroids or drugs to make him stronger in his every fight. He is innocent. He always wins his fights because of his great faith to the Lord, great determination, hardwork and the guts to never give up.

    Mayweather is accusing Pacquiao of using steroids because he just wants to find a way or an excuse for him no to fight Pacquiao on the ring. Pretty Boy is really scared of Pacquiao, he feels that he might somewhat lose to the Filipino's Pride Manny Pacquiao. So he wants for Pacquiao to take a drug test after a fight, which is not good for a boxer. Coz you dont know something might happen after a drug test. Then after weeks, Mayweather issued another proposal that he will take a blod test two weeks after their main bout, which for me is still not a good idea.

    So Pacquiao decided to just have their fight at the Supreme Court of the United States.

    Mayweather is such a big coward. What a loser! It is better to lose but at least you fought with all of your strenth and heart than backing out coz you dont like to lose to someone who is as strong as you are. Shame to you Floyd.

    Go Manny Pacquiao!! You're the greatest! Because of you Philippines has been well-known not only because of the championships and afight you have won but because of your attitude that showed a what a great Filipino you are. You are everyone's idol and as well my idol. Your the greatest! ROCK ON PACQUIAO! HAIL THE GREATEST BOXER OF ALL TIME!

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