Should miguel cotto ?

Should miguel cotto take advantage of margaritos bad eye and attack it ferociously until it blinds margarito? I mean margacheato did not care about cottos or shanes life when he cheated.


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Cotto should target his eye all night, for sure.

Miguel is naturally a left-handed fighter, but he fights from the othrodox stance. His left hook/jab is his best punch because of that, and he is very accurate with it.

We don't know how fragile Margarito's eye will be. He obviously had serious injuries, and went through very complex surgery in order to fix not only his broken orbital bone, but to remove a cataract he developed on his eye, and have an artificial lense put in.

His eye could be fine, but you know Cotto is gonna target that area and try to punish it, because it's a big weakness and injury to overcome.


i think margarito will win by KO


You can call him "Margacheato" or whatever ,all i know is that Cotto is gonna get that butt whooped .....AGAIN!