I need health insurance help?

A member of my family was diagnosed with Cancer they are unable to start treatment due to financial hardship or rather the hospital is asking for $150, 000 to get their Chemo/Radiation started. We tried the government health program but they did not approve it for them. Does anyone know where I can go to get help? are there any programs in California or Michigan or Arizona...????


to buy health insurance alone is $1500 per month!!


Favorite Answer

as a medic i have found Arizona to have the best state provided health coverage. Arizona has double taxation so residents can have health coverage as well as other much needed assistance. The person with the illness will have to live in Arizona to receive the medical coverage through Social Services (Welfare Office). They do not require anyone to live in Arizona for a certain length of time before receiving benefits which is an A+. I do not live in Az i live in Virginia but learned of services when visiting family there. I hope u find this info to be helpful and good luck. God Bless.


if you have a nice body you can work evenings..you make that very quickly


If you need insurance, buy it.