Can I stream music to my xbox via FORMATTED flash drive?
This question may seem the same as many other questions concerning playing music onto your XBox with a flash drive. However my flash drive has been formatted for the XBox 360 and isn't a regular kind of usb drive for PCs, although I can view it's contents just fine on here and notice my profile I saved on there. Can I add music onto the drive through the computer and have them play through the XBox? If so, how can I come about this? If I can't, how so? I appreciate all help.
Favorite Answer
Not unless you partition it and put the music on the part that you're not using for 360 content. Music has to be streamed under the Music Library or through the guide menu, but when you format it, it can only be read under the memory section. Remove everything, partition it, and put your 360 content on the part you can read under memory. Then put the music on the other part on your computer.
if i became u i'd get the x field coz it has extra video games and is alot more interior your skill and may play previous xbox video games besides because the 360 video games. yet like you stated the blue ray is a outstanding extra on the ps3 yet there arnt meany blue ray dvds out and that i discussed a demo contained in the blue ray dvds and they appeared no longer a lot differant to the final dvd so i woudnt spend an extra 10 pound on a dvd that seems slightly extra ideal than a popular dvd. definite the ps3 has extra ideal grafics yet its no longer what the game feels like its how good the game is taking area in sensible. i recomend the x field! even though it is your choise!