Taurus TCP .380 - Good or Bad?

I'm in the market for a pocket .380 and I REALLY like the Kahr p380 but do not want to spend that much on a .380. So that leaves me with a few options. The Ruger LCP, Kel-Tec, and the Taurus TCP. I really like the "good" reviews that I'm reading, like nice & smooth DA trigger pull and the slide locks in the back position after that last round is shot. Not to mention the lifetime repair guarantee that Taurus offers. And the fact that this particular .380 is made here in the USA!

HOWEVER, there are some reviews (written and on youtube) that complain of failure to feed/eject problems. I hope this is NOT a reflection on the quality of work in America! LOL... I'm just wondering if the people complaining of these issues are early adopters of this pistol because most new pistols (I believe this is 2 years old or more now) have their bugs in the first few runs. Also, perhaps these new gun owners of the TCP didn't read the instructions carefully and clean the gun properly prior to first use. And to use factory ammo and not some cheap reloads or something.

I WOULD like to know if you own this pistol (or have owned it) and what are your thoughts and experience with it.

THANKS for the help!


@Rooster thanks for the recommendation on the BG380. I didn't include that in my initial comparison because I recall reading some issues with that piece when it first released. Therefore, the thought of it as a contender got lost somewhere in the back of my mind. However, after reading some reviews and watching some YouTube vids, it looks pretty sweet. I want to go check it out at the LGS to see if the long 12 lbs trigger pull is manageable to retain accuracy. The only other negative (which is not a dealbreaker) is that I had my heart Set on a stainless two-toned gun. That was just an aesthetic desire but what it boils down to is Functionality. And it appears the BG380 might be the winner. Thanks again for the suggestion.


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The only guns you mentioned that i've had experience with is the LCP. It is what it is, a up close and personal in your gut 380 pistol, nothing more. I didn't like the way it felt when shooting it and thought that the grip was too tiny for me to get a firm grip on. I bought a S&W 380 bodyguard BG380 instead. It's my daily CC weapon and I like everything about it. Grip a BG380 before you buy something else. I've seen the Bodyguard 380 priced from $325 and up. I bought mine for $380 earlier this year. The BG380 comes standard with built in laser.


Taurus Tcp 380


Taurus gun quality is spotty at best, and IMHO that's being way too kind. One LGS here has stopped taking them in used because he can't sell the ones he already has. Others will only take them in if they can get them for next to nothing, so they can price them slightly above next to nothing, simply because their reputation and resale value is utter garbage.

Unfortunately I still own two of their pistols; they have a lifetime warranty but my dealings with their CS has nearly always been problematic and less-than-satisfactory. One still works fine, but the other is a complete basket case that even my worst enemy doesn't deserve. BS junk.

If you must have an affordable pocket 380 go with the Ruger or the Kel-Tec. If you can deal with a slightly bigger gun get a Bersa Thunder 380. Around here they go for about $250 and compared to the Ruger and Kel-Tec is a supreme soft shooter. DA/SA trigger with a smooth, not-too-heavy DA first pull that is easy to manage. Great trigger reset with minimal takeup. And relatively easy to be accurate with out to 12 to 15 yards. Not as small as a true pocket gun, but not all that bad to IWB carry.




Well, first off its a Taurus, so the odds are you will have a problem. I see a whole lot of them offered used, which is a bad sign for a new gun. I had the chance to shoot one last year at the range, and i was unimpressed. Frankly, for the money you are better off with the Keltec P3AT. its cheaper and not significantly different from the LCP.

i wouldnt buy the TCP.

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