I'm 16 and have PCOS. Will it be hard for me to conceive later in life?
PCOS runs in the family. I've had it since I first got my period, which was when I was 10. I'm not trying to conceive now, but I'm just wondering. Will biological kids even available to me when I'm in my 20's? I know it's hard for anyone with PCOS to naturally conceive, but since I'm so young and since I've had it for so long..
Of course the doctor diagnosed that, with ultrasounds and tests.
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It really depends on your PCOS diagnosis. Plenty of women with PCOS get pregnant without any trouble at all (and only discover they have PCOS during their pregnancy, with routine blood work and ultrasounds). Some require some medical assistance, while some will never bear their own children. You won't know where you fall on the spectrum until you go to conceive.
Some things you can do in the meantime is keep your weight under control, and maintain your symptoms and side effects. Eat a low Glycemic Index Diet and exercise often. Sometimes birth control is really useful in PCOS, because it stops the ovaries from ovulating, and thus gives our bodies a break. Try and learn all you can about PCOS and about your particular case. PCOS has a wide variety of levels, and if you have very mild PCOS, you can take steps to prevent it from getting worse.
I'd suggest joining a forum called Soul Cysters:
It's a forum for women with PCOS, and will teach you a lot about your body and how to take care of it. PCOS isn't only about your fertility, but also has a lot of risks for other diseases, such as heart attacks, diabetes, certain cancers, etc. It's a life-long condition that you need to learn to maintain.
Actually, the best thing to do if you have PCOS and don't want to concieve at this time is to go on birth control bills. That will help minimize effect of PCOS which can get worse over time. Also, will make sure you don't get accidentally get pregnant. That is the standard therapy recommended by doctors if you are not trying to conceive.
You can also do all the other suggestions provided here, but that is more helpful when you are actually trying to conceive, which is not the case here. The good news is that almost all women with PCOS do eventually conceive. Might take longer or might need help.
Yes, it may be more difficult, but not impossible. When you're ready to start trying to conceive (after you're married, of course) you can work with an OB/GYN to get advice on increasing your chances.
I have several friends with PCOS who have children...actually, they have more than one child. My mom has PCOS, endometriosis, and a tilted uterus and she had me and my sister. My former neighbor had PCOS and while it took 2 years of trying, she got had her son and then another little boy (the second was without trying). A friend of mine whose child is the same age as my son also has PCOS. My cousin had this too and would only get her period once a year, so she was prescribed medication to help her ovulate and she just had her daughter at the end of October.
did a doctor tell u you have PCO or your just saying you have it because it runs in your family and yes people with PCO do have trouble with conceiving but that doesn't mean that they can't just have faith and seek the right help if u really have PCO and i'll pray that you'll soon conceive ok