Light Cramping..Pregnant?

Me and my husband have been ttc for about 9 months. My peiod is due on dec 10th We had sex on my ovulation days, Yesturday and the day before i have had wierd cramps they didnt hurt it just felt like baby ones and didnt last long but would come back time to time. I have read about implantation cramps and jsut wandering if anyone could shed light on something like this if they have had this happen, thank you so much


It could have been. I know when I got pregnant i had very light cramping for about a week before my expected period. I waited 3 days after my expected period date and took a test because i was still having the cramps but no blood at all. Some women have spotting around the time. So there is a chance. The best thing to do is wait a few days after the 10th and take a test if you do not start. Usually the cramps are accompanied by tender or sore breast but not always. Good luck to you hope all goes well!


Yes, it could be implantation cramps. Implantation happens about 6 days following sex. Sometimes there is a little bit of brown or pink bleeding with implantation, but not always.


no sorry ur not prego coz the same thing happened to me me and my hubby have been ttc for about 9 mos and yesterday i had wierd cramps that didnt feel like baby ones and i am not prego so ur not either