What question would you like to ask the Republican presidential candidates about Social Security?

Yahoo! News and ABC News will host a Republican presidential debate on Saturday, December 10, at Drake University in Des Moines, IA. Here is your opportunity to ask the candidates your specific questions about Social Security. Let us know and we may include your question in the debate. You can also tweet your question to #IowaDebate.

Make sure to check back and watch the debate on December 10 at 9 pm ET/6 pm PT on ABC News. We’ll provide the link.

Yahoo Answers Team2011-12-14T13:20:09Z

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Thank you for your questions. We hope you had an opportunity to watch the GOP debate on Saturday, Dec. 10, to see how the candidates addressed some of the issues you raised. If you didn’t see the debate, turn to Yahoo! News and ABC News’ coverage at the links below to read about the candidates’ stances on issues based on your questions. Thanks again for your questions and for participating!

Analysis: Newt Gingrich survives first big night of attacks

What now? Why the next 10 days are the most critical of the GOP campaign

Yahoo! readers rate the debate: ‘$10,000 is more than some people make in a year’

Full Transcript: ABC News Iowa Republican Debate


I suggest that the upper limit for contributions be done away with, and that the maximum payouts in retirement still remain as they are, adjusted for inflation. Social security is not a "give away" program but one that we all contribute to like a savings plan, and should be protected from other uses by the government. Do you agree or disagree and why? If you are so worried about it then why don't you; first put it back into the private sector and make to were no can take out money from it for their own interest, second pay back every penny you have borrowed from both Social Security and Medicare, third take the illegal immigrants off of it and those who come over here but never paid a penny to it, and lastly have it the same for everyone; in other words government officials are to participate in it and if they want something more they do it on their own without the tax payers funding it?Yet, the monetary stytem feeding the imbalances had never been really changed. They, a group of scholars, suggested that all interest rates would be 3% or less for everyone to become rich if desired (that must be true also to taces). The best economic situation would be, they said, when there were no interest rates. Why not try this solution? The rich would still be rich. My question is: when soial security becomes a problem connected to federal debts, why not work with a balanced or gain budget and spend no more than comes in, as any family has to strive for? Why not ban all loobying gifts in order to get laws that serve the country? God bless America.


It seems regressive that those above a certain annual salary (not income, because the amount is based on wages) no longer have to contribute. It seems that the people in the highest pay brackets will need the retirement benefits less than those who, thoughout their careers, have earned below the cut off point, and yet, their excess salaries are excluded from contributions. I suggest that the upper limit for contributions be done away with, and that the maximum payouts in retirement still remain as they are, adjusted for inflation. Social security is not a "give away" program but one that we all contribute to like a savings plan, and should be protected from other uses by the government. Do you agree or disagree and why?This money is taken out of our paycheck and our employer/employers match it. This money DOES NOT belong to the government of the United States. It belongs to the American people, but yet we do not have a say in when and how we get it. How can you fix a system that the government has dipped it's hand into for so long to finance other countries, wars, and God knows what else you do with it? When do we the American working class get a say in what happens with the hard earned dollars that we give you each week. Why are our seniors having to suffer for the negligence that goes on in Washington? If you can fix this, then the American people might just start trusting in our government once again. Can you really say, for the people and by the people?


It seems that the people in the highest pay brackets will need the retirement benefits less than those who, thoughout their careers, have earned below the cut off point, and yet, their excess salaries are excluded from contributions. I suggest that the upper limit for contributions be done away with, and that the maximum payouts in retirement still remain as they are, adjusted for inflation. Social security is not a "give away" program but one that we all contribute to like a savings plan, and should be protected from other uses by the government. Do you agree or disagree and why? If you are so worried about it then why don't you; first put it back into the private sector and make to were no can take out money from it for their own interest, second pay back every penny you have borrowed from both Social Security and Medicare, third take the illegal immigrants off of it and those who come over here but never paid a penny to it, and lastly have it the same for everyone; in other words government officials are to participate in it and if they want something more they do it on their own without the tax payers funding it?


I was a republican for many years but now see what your party is all about. President Obama does not have all the answers but does not believe in taking away things that the american people have paid for. Social Security is a program that all americans pay for every week from their paycheck and congress uses the money to support unjustified wars.Now you say SS will be bankrupt, why don't you put the money back into the fund instead of use it to bomb countries that are of no use to us.Cut defense and take care of our senior citizens.For the first time I will be working hard for Barack Obama.The need for this downsizing is often cited as being due to our current fiscal situation, which is seen as unsustainable because we're constantly borrowing money from China. Considering that Ronald Reagan, George Bush and George Bush Jr. created the vast majority of our debt by slashing taxes on the rich (by over 20%) and then just borrowing from China to make up the difference, how will your economic policies be different ? Do you believe that tax breaks for the rich, are more important than maintaining Social Security?

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