Does anyone really believe that Chelsea Clinton deserves a job as a television journalist over all the people?

who have been working in that field for years? I often wonder what all the journalism majors and all the people who have put in long hours for little or no pay dreaming of one day being a TV journalist, vying for very few possible positions in the field, stand there and watch as when things like this happen.



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Just another marker called in by the Clinton's...

My Baby!2011-12-11T23:12:58Z

You know how hard it is to get very Liberal Journalists who will not ask why we are straying from the truth. So the people hiring figured she probably will not rock the boat.
Gee, does she have a face for television.......


This job is to get her out there in the public on political issues to prep her for the W.H. the Clinton's are the new Liberal royalty so anything goes.


If she has the qualifications for the job and was deemed the top prospect by those doing the hiring, then yes I do believe she deserves the job.

Bogus Diddley2011-12-11T22:21:37Z

Equity, has nothing to do with it~! Aint you heard, life isn't fair~!