Who is in charge of Congress?

The United States Congress has a very low rating in the polls. But when they ask the question on Congress, do Americans know who Congress is?

I think it is a bogus question to ask Americans if you think Congress is doing its job, because I would bet that most do not know who they are talking about.

I am curious to find out how many answer correctly.


So far I am right. People do not know who or what Congress is! Hopefully someone on here knows the right answer.


Answer: Congress is made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate.
What I am referring to is when polls ask "Is Congress doing a good job?" they are asking about a Democrat led Senate and a Republican led House.

There is now way these two will agree on anything, it is like oil and water. They will not mix.

John J. S2011-12-11T16:21:30Z

Favorite Answer

We, the people, are in charge. Since we are conflicted, is it any wonder congress is?


Question needs more clarity. Both houses? or just the House or Just the Senate. In charge of what?The conducting of business when in session? The call for congress to meet in session? what are you looking for?

Robert T2011-12-12T01:13:20Z

The Executive & Judicial branch's perfecting the system of checks and balances.
This is where the break down occurs (The necessity of the jail house dance starts; spin;lying; corruption).


Nobody is in charge, in the sense of having final authority.

The Speaker of the House might seem to be in charge at times. Chairpersons of committees at other times.

The lobbyists and campaign financial contributors are partially in charge, as are the voters.

Michael D2011-12-12T00:26:13Z

John Beohner. And go phuck yourself you wish you were an American muther phucker.

Douche bag Email me and express your views so we can discuss them. Unless you would rather not. Vagina. You know because you Block. Vagina.

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