Do you find facial hair attractive on men. Doesn't the scruffy short beard scratch your face?

Sur La Mer2011-12-16T09:03:09Z

Favorite Answer

When I met my BF, now my hubby for 37 1/2 years, he had bushy sideburns, no mustache, but he had them after HS. I've dated a guy once with mustache like Charles Bronson before, and they're fine!

Honestly? There ARE A HANDFUL of guys that are good with facial hairs, and some don't look good in them. My hubby's photo with mustache made him look MEANER, but he is as kind as Santa Claus, except he's thinner than SC.


Honestly, I don't mind it on just random men that I don't know.. i think it looks fine! but yes, the scruffy beard does scratch.


Everyone is going to have a different opinion. I honestly hate it touching me, sure some guys look cute with it but it hurts my skin and feels like they're putting holes in my skin when it touches me. To me the pain of a tattoo or piercing is better than having scruff rub against you. *shudders* I'm glad my husband is a Marine and keeps a clean shaved face <3

Hope this helps.


It depends on the facial structure of the guy it looks good on some guys, but a clean shaven face feels better.