Confused. Having a lot of early pregnancy symptoms ?

Headaches, moodiness, cravings, bad cramping, frequent urination, sensitivity to smells, emotional.

No tender boobs. AF is due on 24th.
Could I be pregnant?


My first pregnancy I got all the same symptoms 3 weeks before my missed period.


Favorite Answer

i'm having some of the same symptoms as you are, headaches-cramping- tender breasts. ha my breasts have been sore for a week now. but im not getting my hopes up because lately AF(which is also due on the 24th) seems to give me different symptoms every month=/ so frustrating. well the 24th is only a few days away, and all us women get soo anxious during that 2ww, haa so all we can do is wait and test- if the witch doesn't show!! <3

Braddon's mommy2011-12-18T22:56:12Z

It's always possible, depending on when you conceived. It isn't likely to have all of those symptoms so ahead of you r missed period, it could all be in your head. Like if you are driving and look for a red car, you will see every red car. You can test when it has been 3 weeks since you last had sex.


just take a pregnancy test. that sort of like pregnancy