Could i be pregnant? Im have lots of symptoms?

My AF is due on the 24th. I have been having the following symptoms:

Constant abdominal pains, cravings, constipation, body aches, overly emotional, fatigue, headaches, nausea, frequent urination, mood swings. Food tasted different last night when i cooked. My stomach was firm all day yesterday and today.

I have been ttc for about 2 months.


Favorite Answer

Oh wow we are on the same boat. my period is on the 23rd. Tomorrow I will know my blood test result. I did today the quantitative blood test. My doctor told me that it will show if I am pregnant or not. But in my case I think its more psychological since I've been frustrating over it for the whole month.


i believe so! i am also ttc and im having the same exact symptoms. its good to know im not the only one with these symptoms. good luck!!