Do you use the word "neocon" a lot?

If so, would this be a good description of a "neocon?" Alan Dershowitz says this about Justice Antonin Scalia: "His conservatisms, according to a professor who is an expert ... are 'of the Old Word European sort. rooted in the authority of the Church and the military. It is more reminiscent of French, Italian, and Spanish clerical conservatism than of American conservatism with its libertarian bent."


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Sounds like a description they use at Starbucks
"A grande skinny double shot Neocon Latte, please!"


No I don't, but I applaud Dershowitz for delineating the difference correctly.

However, Dershowitz is frequently the opposite spectrum of @sshat that Scalia is.

I just can't buy into either version of asshattery.


Your definition is incorrect from Dershowitz and the only time I see the word neocon is on Y/A and MS NBC where it is used as a pejorative.


The Republican party used to be the party of peace then came the neocons or New Conservative influenced by the war lobby.

And yes sadly the tea party has been taking over by Neocons, specially given the fact that it was started by Ron Paul supporters.

Chi Guy2011-12-21T16:03:20Z

Yes. I use it often to define the current wanna-be conservatives that haven't a clue about true conservatism.

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