Every year the Grinch promises to stop Christmas from coming. Every year he wusses out, and it comes just the?
So disappointed.
Isn't it quite rude of the Grinch to keep breaking his promise?
So disappointed.
Isn't it quite rude of the Grinch to keep breaking his promise?
Favorite Answer
Nope. It's his prerogative to change his mind. And he does, over and over again.
Promise-breaking cannot help but be rude. The same goes for the making of promises which cannot be kept. Clearly this Grinch character cannot be trusted.
Instead of just wanting Christmas not to happen, why not bypass all the commercialism and take part in an all-age Christmas Pageant,do your Christmas shopping by buying things from a Good Gifts Catalogue (every charity has one) so that people in need are being helped. You also avoid the Christmas Muzak that way.
Choose decorations that you like- I prefer bells,stars and angels myself as well as nativity scenes.
So never mind that Grinch fella. He has only ever broken his promises to you
Instead Trust God. God's promises are always true. Celebrate the birth of Jesus each Christmas. Rejoice!