Does my dog miss my Kitten?

I have a female SBTxRhodesian Ridgeback, she's a pretty big dog but a real softy so about 4 months ago I brought home a little kitten, They became instant best friends. They'd play together, sleep together, He'd even be really cheeky and drink out her water bowl instead of his own, she'd give him one or two of her treats instead of eating them herself (not that he ate them but it was sweet enough to watch) They were really close, but sadly around a month ago my little kitten was killed in an accident.
We let my dog see the body, which I suppose sounds stupid but we'd heard it was a good way to help dogs "get" that things were dead but even now, she searches for him when we let her upstairs and looks around in his old sleeping/hiding spots and seems sad when she can't find him. If we even mention his name in conversation her ears perk up and tail wags like she thinks he might be coming back.
Does she miss him or am I reading these signs wrong?
Is there anything I can do or should I let her get on with it until she works it out.


Favorite Answer

yes she misses the kitten. Maybe another kitten would help?


Sounds like she really misses that kitten. A while ago I saw the same thing happen with my cats after one of them had died. The sister kept looking for her dead sibling:(

It might help if you have a blanket or toy or bed that the kitten used to sleep with. If it has the kitten's scent on it then it might help comfort the puppy to give that to her as a gift.


Sounds like she misses the kitten alot she probably will get over the kitten soon.. But if you can I would recommend getting another kitten.