Today i got this reddish pink blood when i wiped. My period was due on the 24th but never came. The blood is very light. I always have a heavier period. What could this be?
I also have clear sticky discharge today too.
My period always starts off very heavy so i know its not my period.
Favorite Answer
Implantation bleeding is very rare. The bleeding you are having now is most likely your period starting. If it does not turn into a period take a test.
Periods do NOT work like clockwork. How many times do I have to say this >.< anything and everything can affect how it is. A few days late still can be a period. Implantation bleeding does not usually happen at the same time a period is due. You didn't say whether you were using contraception or not either so it is hard to tell. Don't be so quick to dismiss the fact it could just be your period, I've had many extremely convincing symptoms in my time and yet I still haven't been pregnant. It's just something you have to learn about yourself. You cannot guarantee the exact same periods every time