help, puppy goe mad when were eating?
13week old siberian husky has started going mad last couple of weeks when were eating, he gets three meals a day and doesnt always finish whats in his bowl, he is health and no problems health wise. but lately when ever we sit in the living room and have somthing to eat he jumps up, lays down and barks then lunges at us, jumps on the furtinutre and tries to get at the food,
we get him on the floor, tell him to sit, then tell him stay holding our hand in front to encourage him to stay, he does this but as soon as we take a bite he starts all over again, I never had this problem with my German shepherd, told him to go out in to the hall and he did it.
any advice would be greatful?
we dont feed him scraps husky s have sensitive stomachs so he just gets his dog food and dog treats for training.
we have tried tapping him on the nose, shutting him out while we eat, but no joy.