What are we going to do about the GOP Voter Suppression?

Those who will answer correctly already have the stats. What are we going to do?
Wisconsin, Michigan ect.


Favorite Answer

We wealthy privileged elite do not want the dirty stupid working people voting. We are using the law to keep as many dirty stupid working people from voting as possible. We want a government by, for, and of the rich privileged elite. Let the middle class vanish, why should I care as long as I get to keep my yachts, private islands, and estates in the Riviera? Down With The Middle Class, Vote Republican!!


You have lots of options.
One approach:

1. Help some illegal aliens register to vote.
2. Try voting in 2 or 3 different precincts yourself.
3. Take control of some election committee so you can fill out fake ballots.

A Second Approach:
1. Sit on the internet all day and whine about it.

A Third Approach:

1. Go around and find a bunch of old people and help them get their license and register to vote.
2. Donate to a group that's doing the same.
3. Set up your own group to do this... maybe even seek funds for an awareness campaign. Sounds like a job for ACORN, but they'd probably screw it all up.
4. Have your party fund an awareness campaign so people know about the new requirement and ask for more volunteers to help.

Was that so hard.



Democrats need more:

1. Dead Democrat Voters.
2. Illegal Immigrant Voters.
3. ACORN - (Still Operating under Several Names.)
4. Black Panther Thugs.
5. Corrupt Union Thugs.
6. Buying Votes with Cigarettes & Booze.
7. Multiple Votes.

(You Democrats have to show your ID to get Welfare. Why can't you show it to Vote?)


Tell me something the cons say the black panthers were there to suppress the votes. Why would they be there to stop Democrats?

R T2012-01-01T22:59:45Z

Send in the Black Panthers to keep people away from the polls like the libs did in the last election.

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