How far to the right is Rick Sanitorium?

Is he against abortion, birth control, gay marriage, capital gains tax and school prayer?
Is he for Free trade, tax cuts for the rich and corporations,illegal immigration and eliminating welfare?


Favorite Answer

He hates gays and women.
He wants to repeal all health care rights for women, including birth control.
He's a religious freak who needs to be put in a concentration camp.


This question doesn't make any sense. How can you be against abortion, birth control, gay marriage and SCHOOL PRAYER. This is an oxi(moron). If you are against the first three, then you are
FOR SCHOOL PRAYER. Rephrase your question.

Free trade, tax cuts for the rich and corporations, illegal immigration and eliminating welfare?
We should all be for tax cuts and corporations are providing jobs for us. Illegal immigration should definitely be dealt with since they take jobs from American citizens and we are having serious problems in Arizona and Texas with the drug cartels bringing drugs into our country by these illegals. Eliminating welfare would be nice, but realistically this will never happen since most of those who seriously need welfare don't receive it and those that do (many of them are scammers) take advantage of taxpayers' hard earned dollars.


"Political Positions of Rick Santorum"


he is far enough to the right to know how to spell correctly


He also likes gun control...