Did you know you can leave your questions up for longer than 4 days?
When you ask a question, click on EDIT, there you will find "Extend Deadline".
It makes it easier for those of us who do not get to YAP daily to participate.
I hope you will leave them up. I've had several answers come in after the normal period would have expired.
I'll be away from a computer for many days and would like to catch up when I return.
Bri, I think if you extend it on the day it is supposed to expire you get an additional 4-6 days. I too have seen questions open for about 2 weeks with no idea how. Thanks for pointing that out.
This information is a teaching aid, it is not meant as an insult to intelligence. Some know, some don't.
Thank you everyone who is praying for me. It is working. Had I delayed going into the hospital longer than Thursday night, I would not be here.
My hemoglobin was 5.5; at 5.0 your heart stops. My organs were shutting down. Dealing with insurance is horrible because I have to continue the iron dextran treatment, but insurance hasn't approved it yet. I had zero iron in my body. Iron helps the blood bond to the oxygen and carry it to feed the body. Since about 18 days before I went in when I had 10.9 to 5.5 Dr. Mahmood stated it was the equivalent of losing 5 liters of blood. I lost no blood. My body was not making any.
Still working on it!