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Did you know you can leave your questions up for longer than 4 days?

When you ask a question, click on EDIT, there you will find "Extend Deadline".

It makes it easier for those of us who do not get to YAP daily to participate.

I hope you will leave them up. I've had several answers come in after the normal period would have expired.

I'll be away from a computer for many days and would like to catch up when I return.




Update 2:

Bri, I think if you extend it on the day it is supposed to expire you get an additional 4-6 days. I too have seen questions open for about 2 weeks with no idea how. Thanks for pointing that out.

This information is a teaching aid, it is not meant as an insult to intelligence. Some know, some don't.



Update 3:


Thank you everyone who is praying for me. It is working. Had I delayed going into the hospital longer than Thursday night, I would not be here.

My hemoglobin was 5.5; at 5.0 your heart stops. My organs were shutting down. Dealing with insurance is horrible because I have to continue the iron dextran treatment, but insurance hasn't approved it yet. I had zero iron in my body. Iron helps the blood bond to the oxygen and carry it to feed the body. Since about 18 days before I went in when I had 10.9 to 5.5 Dr. Mahmood stated it was the equivalent of losing 5 liters of blood. I lost no blood. My body was not making any.

Still working on it!



17 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I most generally extend my expiration dates unless the response to my question is huge. Most of the time I don't get as many answers as I'd like to have.

    Usually my questions stay up for about a week. I don't ask that many. The response seems to depend on the topic. Poetry seems to get a rather thin response.

  • 9 years ago

    Sure did; I've used Extended Expiration a few times. Some of my Questions so extended ended up with "default" Best Answers (only one reply); and some, deleted for want of an answer.

  • Tigger
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Yes, you will get emails alerting you your Question is about to expire and you have the option of extending the question or selecting BA

  • Thomas
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Thumbs Up to everybody tori

    and for that I am not sorry

    Hope to see you soon

    and thanks for the info

    I have seen some extend well

    over a week, some it seems

    over two weeks.

    This thang not all figured out yet!

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 9 years ago

    Hello Tori yes i have done it before i found this out 4 years ago. I have extended some of my questions before for a whole week. thanks any how.

  • 9 years ago

    Hi Tori, I just recently learned that, though I haven't tried it yet but thank you sweet sister and I too will keep you in my prayers. Hugs

  • 9 years ago

    Yes,you can just click on the pencil down your question .It will further extend above four days.But it could only happen if your question is not resolved.May it help you.

  • doe
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Good luck to you tori you're in my heart and on everyone's mind.

  • 9 years ago

    Yes. I routinely use that feature when I would like a poem either commented on by a specific person and/or by a specific person.

    Source(s): found it on my own
  • 9 years ago

    thank you for this information Tori

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