Does New Hampshire love Rick Santorum?

Elaine Roscoe2012-01-05T14:59:19Z

Favorite Answer

Most of my family lives there and they said they and their friends really like Jon Huntsman. Who knew?


Being from Ma, I can tell you New Hampshire is divided. The southern parts are more democratic, but once you get above Concord you get into a much more conservative crowd. That is because there are lots of Massachusetts transplants in Southern New Hampshire. Rich Santorum will do well in the northern regions, but most likely spend lots of time in cities like Nashua that have businesses along the Ma. border.

I hope he does well in N.H. because we need to send Romney packing. Then send Obama packing literally on Jan 20,2013.


He will not WIN New Hampshire. He might do well, but it is pretty much a given that New Hampshire belongs to Romney., being next door neighbors to Mass.

It is Santorem's turn to be "flavor of the week" Only time will tell if it amounts to anything more.


Put it this way. We hate Romney. We saw what he did to Massachusetts and how that formed the mold for Obama care. Truth is there are 13 democrats running here(media never tells you there's a democrat alternative to Obama do they?) There are 30 republicans running. Unfortunately it is becoming a game of who can beat Obama rather than who would make a good president.Most of us here are sick of being the center of this primary crap. I would like to tell them-"Welcome to NH now go home!"


My cousin in New Hampshire said they typically like Huntsman, Paul, or Romney.

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