3 days to decide my future?

My parents have given me three days to decide my future and I still haven't a clue what to do with my life. I"m 20 and hate living at home, but I only have a part time job right now (and they are cutting everyone's hours). I'm just wasting my time in college and cannot figure out what to do. I love music and car racing but I'm not going anywhere with that stuff so... I don't know what to do :( I am so blown.

Havana B2012-01-06T22:47:39Z

Favorite Answer

Do whatever is going to look good on your resume. Going to school is good because it will give you plenty of time to decide what you like to do. Tell your parents what you think you're going to do in the future- you don't have to be dead set on it. Do anything that will contribute towards the job you want. Think of volunteer work, figure out something that would make a profitable hobby in something you like, consider what's going to prove to employers that you are going to be an asset and that you are a driven person.

Technically if you are still doing school, that's security you're just going to have to wait on- but as far as your success in the future, school and work is all there to get you somewhere better, so you need to focus on what's going to give you the best reputation.


If its taken you your whole life and you still haven't determined your life direction I dont know why your parents think you're going to settle with anything you come up with in the next three days. Perhaps you should take some time off of school to determine what you want to do with your life (if you can). You're only 20, why cant you attempt to pursue anything with music or car racing? You dont have to be in a band or a driver to be in those industries, there are many jobs behind the scenes that can be very rewarding. Maybe look into careers related to those industries and anything else you really enjoy. If you go for something your parents try forcing you into but your heart's not in it, there's a good chance you'll just drop out anyway. In the meantime, I dont know where you are in school but it never hurts to get your general credits out of the way while you're trying to figure out what to do with your life


I'm assuming you finished High school. What subjects did you excel at and enjoy? Build your career from that. I, for one, excelled in English and Economics during my senior high school years. I am now majoring in Communications but would eventually shift to Economics.