Who thinks that our national security is affective as is?

The war in iraq was clearly our first step in the wrong direction. It was clear that our relatuonship with the ME would only.be hindered by two things. First thing would be embargos similar to the recent one in Iran in response to bad diplomacy which could have causes a fuel crises. Second thing is the ongoing war and strife which makes it harder for us to have ongoing relations. I agree completely that a fight for instilling democracy doesnt fall within the boundaries of solving either issue and makes matters worse. Now from here going forward what will be our ticket to positive relations? A. Doing nothing ( Obama) B. Continued Militaristic efforts (Perry/Santorum) C. Diplomatic efforts aimed at national security but not at instilling democratic value (Romney/Paul)


Favorite Answer

...relax "Chip" ! I've apologized to the World for us ! ...I've bowed down to a Saudi King and made it very clear that "we" are at peace with everyone ! ...you've got nothing to fear... I'm in control now !

(...gott'a go "chip"... "Michelle" is making me a "sam'mich" !)