what is the best part time job for a teen boy?
that would makes some big $$$ for collage ( and other stuff)
that would makes some big $$$ for collage ( and other stuff)
François Yqr
Favorite Answer
Looking after Pets or Go shopping
for old people (put your ads everywhere in your town)
You can earn money if you are a model (or top model)
with the pictures, magazine advertising, poster advertising,
TV commercials and fashion shows.
(but you need to be pretty, to do castings (except if you are chosen directly on pictures) If you are so, send some pictures of your face to several teenage model agencies)
You can also try to be an extra appearing in the movies. (but this is not well paid)
Or directly to be an actor (or actress) in some movies
(but you need to know comedy)
You can also lend your voice for Radio advertising
(if you have a lovely or funny voice of course)
Some companies are also searching for young people
for marketing surveys. You only have to answers questions
about your thoughts and likes about new products
for teenagers you will test in consumers meetings.
You can also be sponsored if you have high level skills in sports or dance.
Sorry for my bad english, I am french.
It's kinda fun to work there
yard work
jane doe
well, considering you're a macho man... hmm... hit man?