Horror movie I saw as a child...around 1982?
At the age of seven or eight I was at a neighbors house where the parents were more liberal with t.v. On comes a black & white movie. (I see it in my mind as black and white) In the movie a man drives into a town(can't remember if he was with his wife). Somehow and someway everyone ends up being zombies and I remember a graveyard. More importantly his goal is to get out of town, and I remember at the end of the movie he almost makes it out of town in the car he arrives in....maybe he makes it out-vague memory. Either way that movie haunted my mind. I'm thirty-six now. Any clues will help.
I believe I remember him on the road traveling and this town happens to be a place he just stops off at. Everyone is normal at first...I think, then once he's in they don't let him out.