I currently have bangs and I think I look pretty decent with it and I get a lot of compliments.
My brows make me look hideous and mean. I mean REALLY mean. I've tried a ton of different shapes out, but I still look ugly, and I've even been told so. But when I have bangs I get told I'm the prettiest girl in the school etc.
I'm tired of my bangs. It's hard to manage and I get insecure when my hair gets wet, when the wind blows my fringe around, and when it moves out of place. It puts my eyebrows into view and I look seriously UGLY. Plus I just want to be able to swim and flop my hair about without being insecure.
So I want to manage my brows once and for all. I have olive skin, dark brown brows, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. What can I do to my brows to totally change the mean and ugly look?
i'd go to a salon/ beauty place where they can properly advise you. from my opinion i would make them slighter ligther maybe so there not as noticable. also my main point is angry/ mean eyebrows are created as the inner of your brow is lower than the outer of your brow. the inside of each brow try raising them and bring the outer ones down so it's more of a curve. if your concerned about your brows, maye have a fringe cut? blow dry your hair in the position you want it, part it and dry it right down so the partings and your fringe stay in place. finish with a touch of hair spray! :) also if you want the attention taking off your brows try curling your eyelashes and put mascara on or put a nice coloured lipstick on so the attention is drawn to them. hope this helps! :) xx
Like Common Sense said, go to a salon and get them professionally waxed. Tell your stylist exactly what you want, and the specific details about your eyebrows. (Thinner, less of an arch, smaller around the sides)
USING a brush like the one above, comb all your brow hairs upwards as high as they will go and if there are any ridiculously long or out of place hairs.....
t... then trim them with brow scissors (available online or in chemists or drug stores) http://www.google.com.au/imgres?q=brow+scissors&hl=en&biw=1152&bih=773&tbm=isch&tbnid=4GN-hYnJZ9Rx-M:&imgrefurl=http://www.alibaba.com/product-gs/234130566/stainless_steel_eye_brow_scissors.html&docid=CNsmsQYZUbN4wM&itg=1&imgurl=http://i00.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/234130566/stainless_steel_eye_brow_scissors.jpg&w=320&h=293&ei=ucwOT5u4FauOmQXI5sj8Aw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=261&sig=103893226269897321681&page=1&tbnh=139&tbnw=153&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:16,s:0&tx=89&ty=89
4. if this is not enough, or you have plucked too much and you want to re-shape or colour them the best reviews lie on the 'Anastacia Brow Kit' available on Amazon.com. Sephora.com and many other stores.
Here is a link to a review: http://www.google.com.au/imgres?q=eyebrow+kit&hl=en&biw=1152&bih=773&tbm=isch&tbnid=sd2cRF_ppSnWWM:&imgrefurl=http://styletips101.com/product-review/anastasia-eyebrow-kit-review.html&docid=8D19mkdQyZ8CaM&imgurl=http://styletips101.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Anastasia-Eyebrow-Kit-Stencils.jpg&w=250&h=250&ei=7MsOT7C1LIiCmQWf_enQAw&zoom=1
ANNNDDD if anything I am saying doesnt make much sense then watch tiffany D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iz151VUZx_c