Is Al Gore repeating just what they said in the Washington Post in 1922? The same crap 89 years later.?

The scientist and liberals tried to push it back then, it didn't work so their at it again, according to them we should have been flooded out by now.


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Each scare follows the same pattern:
1. identify a potential hazard
2. come up with a study that shows some correlation (however weak)
3. apply the 'false cause' fallacy to assert a causal relationship
4. apply the precautionary principle to justify drastic action to protect against the 'hazard', no matter what the cost/benefit ratio
5. later, when the robust science comes out to show that the correlation was weak, or spurious, or the causation was never established, or the hazard associated with a realistic dose was insignificant, ignore the science
6. go on to another scare and start again.

Some examples include
1. cranberries
2. DDT
3. acid rain
4. Alar
5. vaccines and autism

Did you know that Alar turned out to be a lower risk than tap water? And the DDT ban has cost millions of lives, mostly children?

The precautionary principle is a bust. It leads to more lives lost than are saved, by squandering resources on miniscule risks at the expense of more important hazards. Each $13 million in lost income results in one more statistical death, due to economic-induced mortality. Any intervention that costs more than $13 million per life saved actually makes us less safe, not more.

Recommended reading:
Wildavsky, "But is it true?"
Keeney (1997). "Estimating fatalities induced by the economic costs of regulations". Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 14:5-23


Yes, Al Gore and all his Warmist comrades are simply recycling an old scam. In the past they never had much luck but this time around they were able to convince Congress to give them public funding. And now our own tax dollars are used to sustain the propaganda campaign.

BMI Special Report: Fire and Ice --- The Global Warming scam has it's roots in over a hundred years worth of similar frauds.

This is about the fourth time this ruse has been deployed in the last hundred years. Will we ever learn?

Caliservative - you forgot about the Y2K, SARS, and the Ozone Layer scams. I have serious doubts that the "bird flu" and "swine flu" were legitimate either. The swine flu was such a serious threat that $260 million dollars worth of the vaccine was thrown in the dumpster. Wonder who made all that money.


Al Gore and any one who supports his wild theories ARE crap.


Did you see anything about carbon dioxide or greenhouse gases in there? If not, why are you asking a question that just shows your ignorance of science?

EDIT: In answer to your question Maxx, no, you apparently never learn anything.


Your link does not link to the actual Washington Post article. Global warming is happening
And we are causing it

The ten warmest years in history are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2004 and 2001.

Peter J

<They'll be saying what they were saying in the 1970's... the earth is getting dangerously colder and it's all the fault of people and our energy usage.>

That will never happen. The only thing that can cool the Earth significantly is volcanic activity. Scientists will recognize this, if and when it happens and that it is only temporary. Fossil fuel propagandists will milk this to tell us that burning fossil fuels is good because it cancels the cooling.

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