Does anyone here actually utilize the mid-bead sight on a shotgun?

I have a few shotguns, some of which have mid-beads and some don't. I have no trouble shooting well with either design. Is there any real purpose to, or need for, a mid-bead?


Favorite Answer

I use the mid-bead much as pagamenews stated, to simply reference that my cheek-weld is correct.

When actually shooting at a moving target, I don't use the mid-bead for anything. Muscle memory gives me a correct cheek-weld.


Shotgun Mid Bead

Eagle Scout2012-01-13T19:46:11Z

Hello, "Ironsides"!

Actually, I do.

It was not until I acquired a BT99 and spent almost a year shooting with it, that I learned how to utilize that center bead! Stacking the beads so they formed a "figure 8", and a slight lead almost always guaranteed a powdered clay for me.

I believe for the clay pigeon games, that mid bead is a life saver! I have yet to get 25 or more straight, but I am getting there!

The only shotgun I have that does not sport a mid bead now is my grandfather's 1957 Browning A5 ... but my other shotguns do ... being a life-long rifleman, I find the twin beads actually help me break the "desire" to sight with the beads as if they were rifle sights!

Good luck and good shooting!


I actually like the mid-beat sights on a shotgun and I would like to have them installed on a couple of my scatterguns that don't already have them. The smaller mid-bead sight helps me to make sure that I am properly aligned with the barrel. If my head/eye is too far left or too far right, or too high, I can see it by referencing the mid-bead.


The only reason if come up with for fiber optic sights on a shotgun or any where are for Turkey hunting. I'll take a bead, scope or ghost rings over fiber optic any day.

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