Do you think it's necessary to remember your ancestors?

Sometimes I feel like it's a waste of time to remember ancestors and show homage to them. Sure, I appreciate all of the things they had to endure but still, it seems kind of silly to hang onto the past like that. What if my ancestors were like Yosemite Sam? Should I pay homage to them? Or if you're Japanese, should you pay homage to a warrior class like Samurai? What if your black, should you pay homage to tribesmen that lived in jungles and weren't very educated?


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Not necessary but it would be beneficiary to remember them, because of what they went through and how they overcame things. History tends to repeat itself. It's more for you than for them. They're dead and gone. And lol.. Blacks haven't changed at all.


Don't take it for granted. It might seem unnecessary to pay homage to your ancestors, but I don't even know where my ancestors came from. Africa is a huge continent. There’s no way to pinpoint the exact countries unless I take a DNA test. I would love to know more about my roots. Your ancestors are a part of you so respect them.


"What if your black, should you pay homage to tribesmen that lived in jungles and weren't very educated?" you're so sheltered and ignorant.

I come from kings and service men that lived in homes and owned properties. (Asante Empire) basic household for a family

And we had our own libraries and still do. Can you decipher a 52 letter alphabet?.. (Twi)


Yes or at least remember the ancestors that accomplished something special.