Canon or Sony camera for a movie?

Im gonna be shooting a movie and im getting a video camera. Which camera will give a great HD video?


Its a short movie actually ..


Favorite Answer

Canon is a very good choice; good picture quality .
I found this professional review on it that would give you the pros and cons:

In my opinion, it is easy to learn, and fast to set up.

For the price, here is an affordable price for it:

In case you want to get the Sony, you can read about it here:


Three basic kinds of video cameras commonly used for independent movie projects are prosumer Mini DV, HD DSLR and Compact HD cameras.
The Panasonic DVX-100A and 100B prosumer Mini DV cameras have 24p mode to give your project the look of film. HD DSLR's are digital cameras designed to shoot both still pictures and video. The Canon 7D HD DSLR was used to shoot the feature film "Like Crazy" directed by Drake Doremus (2011) and "Tiny Furniture" directed by Lena Dunham (2010). Compact HD cameras like the Sony EX3 and the Sony HVR-Z7U shoot in high definition and 24p and can produce images unmistakable from what you see on television.
Try typing the name of any video camera you are considering into you-tube in order to see sample footage. You can find used prosumer Mini DV, HD DSLR and Compact HD cameras for affordable rates on craigslist or at Here's an example of a craigslist ad for a used Panasonic AG-DVX100B:

Best wishes for success with your endeavors.


Adam Finelli, Owner
AdamCamera, LLC.


I like Sony and Panasonic for video camera's. Sony have some Good buget camcorders.
But u said u are ganna shoot a movie, so i would suggest a proper camcorder.
Check out the Sony HDR-AX2000 Gr8 fir amature Movies.
But if u are fliming home fun then check out the sony HDR-CX260V/T

Good luck


if your budget is $1000 plus, then Sony, Panasonic, JVC and Canon have the best offerings.


Sony is much more affordable than cannon