why don't anybody like Kurds?

They seem to be rejected whereever they live, Iraq, Iran and Turkey

Are they welcome anywhere?


why have they managed to either not assimilate but also not been ethnically diluted, or annihilated?


No, Kurds are not Turkish, they do not speak either Arabic, Turkish or Farsi, they are an ethnic group with their own language.


Favorite Answer

No. Iran, Iraq and Turkey don't like them because they aren't one of them and want their own state, if remotely possible. Different languages and different cultures.

Other countries don't like them, because they cause problems wherever they live. If not because of active involvement in the above independence, then certainly because of their demand on the dole and their involvement in crime.

I personally have no problem at all with Kurds. (Provided they would move out of my country.)


Aren't Kurds Turkish?

Needful Sinner2012-01-22T00:26:27Z

*waves from Canada*

Yes I know who Kurds are and where they're from.
I don't like or dislike anyone based on a name or nationality or because someone else told me bad stuff, I judge each person individually based on their own merit [or lack there-of].

Nobody here seems to care about Kurds, good bad or indifferent.
That said not everyone is a fan of Canadians either - big freekin' deal - who cares what 'they' think :)


Because they are terrorrists most of them are. They do terrorrism in ıraq turkey and iran. You cant like someone who kills your citizents attack your villages and bombs public places. And also they want to form their own country named Kurdistan. This dreamy country lays over lands of turkey ıraq and iran. So ı dont think that nobody would like a race who wants a piece of your country.


The Kurdish people are basically gypsies of the Arabic world. They have their own little "state" in northern Iraq and are normally not messed with

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