What's the difference between "freaky" and "creepy"?
Aren't they basically the same?
Aren't they basically the same?
Favorite Answer
Freaky – I would say that a freak/ freaky person’s, norms and values might be extremely different from mine. However, I have the choice of being or becoming involved with such a person.
Somehow, I would not expect underhanded or sneaky behavior from such a person.
Creepy – Most of the above, with the exception that I would expect underhanded and sneaky behavior from such a person, and would not get involved as I won’t feel save.
Freaky is not always a negative (you can still like something that's freaky) thing. Creepy is usually a more scared feeling with lots of dislike.
A person is freaky a place or thing is creepy.
I think creepy...is like a stalker...or someone doing something odd.
Freaky...is when someone is wearing clothes from the 70's still. lol or a girl with a bright pink mohawk
Freaky - different, weird, not-usual
Creepy - scary, eerie