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Difference between "white" magic and "black" magic? Please comment on quote below?

The question was posted recently and I couldn't find it later to respond. For anyone who responded that there's a difference, that "black" magic is Satanic, while white magic is not, what you would say to the following?

Direct quote from Anton Lavey (founder of the church of Satan) in "The Satanic Bible":

"There is no difference between "white" and "black" magic, except in the smug hypocrisy, guilt-ridden righteousness and self-deceit of the "white" magician himself."

Lavey reiterates this many times, having researched the roots of all these things. He's also made statements regarding neither being from God, so these powers can only come from one other source. Christians agree.

Also, in tracing the roots of these and all related religions/magic/religious philosophies (including New Age) to their genesis, we find they all sprung from ancient mystery religions, esp. Egyptian & Babylonian.

According to Apostle Paul in 2 Cor. 11: 3, 4, all such are deception from Satan.

37 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes my friend, you are right. Satan would have people believe that white magic is good - because that is how he can hook those who would not go straight into Satanism, which is too "obvious".

    The Lord bless you and may you continue to shed light on those areas Satan seeks to keep in the dark.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    White Witch Quotes

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would not trust the words of Anton Lavey about anything.

    If I recall correctly he was a follower of the Father of Lies.

    However in this case Anton does agree with the Apostle Paul saying that all such deceptions are from Satan.

    I'm not sure there is such a thing as "White Magic" or "Black".

    In any event the Bible says stay away from it all.

    Pastor Art

  • 7 years ago

    I am a Satanic Witch, a Theistic Satanist (I believe in the literal Devil as Deity), however, I do strongly agree with the above statement made by Anton La Vey.

    Magic is Magic, and it comes from the one Source, Satan.

    I think White Witches, and Wiccans are just deluding themselves. Where do they actually think their power comes from, if not Satan?

    How can they believe there is such a thing as "evil spirits" without believing there is Satan?

    As a satanic witch, I do both compassion spells and Destructive spells. Compassion spells include healing etc. When it comes to magic, it is up to the witch, with which she chooses to do. I think though, that the witch should at least give credit to whoever gave her the power, instead of talk from her ***, without doing any kind of ACTUAL INTELECTUAL research and study!

    From the beginning of time, it was all about Jesus and Lucifer. Good and Evil. Everything in the middle too, belonged to Lucifer. It was always about picking a side.

    The only thing the Christians actually know of the devil, and are right about, is that magic comes from him!

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It's true enough. When I read about things like the Double-Slit experiment from quantum mechanics, it still blows my mind, even though I "know" the underlying principles are sound. Science and technology from today would seem miraculous to those living in the past; I guess the difference is that even those people could be educated and informed about the whys and hows of science, whereas magic is inherently arcane and opaque, regardless of time period.

  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Difference between "white" magic and "black" magic? Please comment on quote below?

    The question was posted recently and I couldn't find it later to respond. For anyone who responded that there's a difference, that "black" magic is Satanic, while white magic is not, what you would say to the following?

    Direct quote from Anton Lavey (founder of the church of...

    Source(s): difference quot white quot magic quot black quot magic comment quote below:
  • 6 years ago

    Anton LaVey didn't even believe in Satan. He wad an atheist (and apparently a master troll).

    So for all the people who see this question and the constant quoting of LaVey, the founder of Satanism, please realize most of what he said regarding the occult was pure B.S. designed to screw with Christians and make money. Note: a lot of it was justhis ethics and moral phphilosophy, much of which is quite good, if not always original. But he was an atheist to the core.

    Source(s): LaVey in his writings
  • 6 years ago

    Well, it really depends. In regards to JRPGs, White magic are healing spells and Black magic are usually offensive in nature.

    In terms of the real world, they do the exact same thing: absolutely NOTHING.

    Because magic doesn't, you know, exist.

  • 1 decade ago

    As I see it, of course Lavey is going to give credit to the one HE worships. That is HIS perspective. As for my guilt-ridden righteousness, I have NOTHING to feel guilty about. I do NOT recognize satan as an entity, much less worship him in secrecy.

    Just because it is what the Christians and the church of satan believe, does not make it so. They have belief and fear of this entity, I do not.

    Yes, these powers do not come from the Xian god. He comes from MAN'S imagination. They, the powers, come from a connection with the Earth and Elements, very real things.

    White vs. black, that's where intent comes into play. If the Witch has good intentions it is what some would call white magic. Those without good intentions, or who haphazardly cast regardless of the consequences, would/could be considered black casters.

    IMO )o( Blessed Be!~Whillow

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, for this Witch "white" magic and "black" magic are far too simplistic. There are few absolutes in life, in faith or in magic. Besides that the terms are more than a little racist. (What makes a "white" something good and a "black" something bad?)

    I think Anton Lavey's Church of Satan is another Christian denomination, nothing wrong with that. Like a lot of folks who work with magic I don't believe in Satan and I don't use the terms in question.

  • 1 decade ago

    Anything that exalts It's self above the word of God Is evil ! Black or White magic Is evil.

    Both are a forms of manipulative practices to bring about the will of someone other than God's will.

    Evil Is evil reguardless of what color you call It ! These things go against the Free Will that God gave each one of us to use. They cast their spells chants,Incantations to gain control over a person or situation. Not of God !

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