if the STARS paint my DREAM, what are the CLOUDS that hide them?

No More2012-01-23T12:44:08Z

Favorite Answer

I see the clouds as covers... there to protect those dreams until you remove them and see the dreams beneath. Like a book with covers to protect the pages... once you open it...you see what is really inside.
When you're ready, move those clouds and see what the stars have painted.

fire and ice2012-01-25T17:51:31Z

If the stars paint your dreams ......its the wishes and hopes you have for yourself then the clouds must be the fears , the steeping stones that hold you back or in some cases that challenge you to arise to reach those goals , they just might be your stepping stones to reach your very own star. Depends pn how you look at the clouds why are they hiding your stars is it to keep u from reaching your dreams star or are they their to reveal in the splendor of your dream star when its the right time


If the stars paint your dream, the clouds are merely curtains, to be opened to reveal them. They aren't hiding them at all. Like a gift that's wrapped, once open the beauty is revealed.The clouds are the gift-wrapping.


If the stars paint your dreams the clouds are nothing but a few strokes gone wrong.....

And there's nothing that a good rain won't clear away...

sandhya p2012-01-26T09:47:31Z

The clouds that hide them are your tears and fears !
Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your
eyes off the goal.
Far away there in the sunshine
Are your highest aspirations.
you may not reach them...
But you can look up and
See their beauty...believe in them,
And try to follow where they lead.

hey enki there is a silver lining in a cloud !

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