Work taking only the men out for dinner?

We have a visitor at work and some activities have been planned with the visitor and the others in my department (sports game and multiple dinners and lunches). Fine, this is a normal occurance. But, they neglected to invite me and the other woman in our department. Should I say something?


We're all at the same level and then there's our boss.

Work is paying for it and I don't think they're going to the nudy bar because they talk about what they're doing in my ear-shot.

Also, it's just us two women and then 6 men so we're a small department.

D C2012-01-24T11:06:00Z

Favorite Answer

If it bothers you that much, perhaps you should politely let your supervisor or whoever did the inviting know that you would appreciate an invitation next time your company has a guest. After all, you are a part of the team too !


well, maybe they are planning to go to the nudy bar or some other male thingy. maybe they all want to curse and swear and don't want you to be offended. I do admit that it is unfair if company is paying for everybody's excursion and you don't get squat. However, if they are all paying own way, I don't see much wrong. that is like saying your kid has to invite everyone of his classmates to his birthday party at home this weekend. He need only invite those he wants and is friends with. If the company is picking up the tab, then i would protest and at least ask for you and the other women to get a pizza party or go somewhere for an outing, too. If it is just guys planning an after hours get together, they can invite who they please. Wish ya best.


The atmosphere is completely different between just men and a mixed group of men and women. Women often get easily offended. So often, men prefer to be in the company of other men where they don't have to worry about that sort of thing.

I remember working at a construction office. There were 6 of us, kind of like with your company. We would have all sorts of crude/lurid conversations. Men would bring in those kind of magazines. Everyone was free and open, and no one cared. It was the most chill environment I've ever worked in. Then we hired a woman for AP/AR. Everything changed and it was never the same. We respected her female sensibilities, but previous lax environment was lost. Nothing against her, she was a nice enough lady. It was just way better before she got there. Again, not trying to be mean. It was just better before she got there.


Were you and the other women specifically excluded or was it that it was only people at a certain level in the hierarchy were included and they happen to be men?

Melaney Estrada2012-01-24T13:50:32Z

It's something that should be addressed....To me it seems rude to coordinate an outting within the business, but not include the whole team...And if not everyone was going to be included, then maybe they should have not been so open about it.

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