Suspensions in the NHL....still fair and consistant?

OK, so a few questions/comments around Ovi's suspension have come up. Michalek also put up a big boarding hit that game...but didn't get any games. Subban doesn't get games for repeated slew foots. Consistency seems to have slipped to me....

And then there is my boy, Andrew Ference, getting 3 games for a first time offense, no injury and no malicious intent.

Now, you want to suspend Ference, fine....what he did was against the rules, and so be it. I was figuring a single 1 game for it. He gets three.

Now Ovi a repeat offender gets 3 for what I see as just as bad, if not worse of a hit.

To me...if Ference get's 1 and Ovi gets 3...that's just. If Ference gets 3 and Ovi gets 5 plus...that's just.
But a hit of the about the same danger level, no injuries, one by a 1st time offender and one by a 3 time is this the same amount of games?


See, you guys are missing the point. I'm not saying Ference didn't deserve a suspension. I'm saying I'm not following what logic they use now.
Sure they explain the hell out of what they DO suspend, but not out of what they do NOT.
(ie Subban and Michalek and others)
Makes more sense on Ovi getting 3 with the time between now and his last one. I didn't realize it had been so long. Just went by what Shanny said about him being a repeat offender.


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Michalek didn't leave his feet but he appeared to target the back of the head. I'm thinking he should have gotten at least a game.

I agree. Consistency has slipped. Zetterberg didn't get a suspension but then I don't think he deserved one.

They must be seeing something we are not seeing. We can look at all the youtube hits we want but we still won't see what they get to see.

VeggieTart -- Let's Go Caps!2012-01-25T16:08:17Z

That is what has me angry: A few minutes after Ovie's hit--and, yes, it was an illegal hit because Ovie practically Air Jordaned--Michalek goes and headshots Matt Hendricks into the boards. And he did leave his feet, although not as much as Ovie did. If ONE is a suspendable office, BOTH should be. Furthermore, Michalek allegedly admitted that he deliberately targeted Hendy. Does he get away with it because he's a Penguin?

Ovie also should not be considered a repeat offender. I have read that per the terms of the CBA, a player's suspension record is expunged after 18 months. Ovie's last suspension was 22 months ago (a boarding call in a game against Chicago in March 2010). He's cleaned up his act since then. I think the Caps and/or NHLPA would have a case for appealing the length, given Shanahan's erroneous mention of his past record without mentioning that it's been almost two years since his last suspension.

Now Ference--come on, that WAS a dirty hit. Three games may be a bit severe for a first-time offender, but his opponent couldn't see the hit coming and brace for it, where Michalek could brace for Ovie's hit. There's a difference between hitting a guy between the numbers and aiming for a guy's shoulder and (oops) getting the side of the head.

Sorry your boy is out. Maybe next time he'll remember not to board a guy.


I admit I didn't see the Ference hit, but from what I have gathered this year, it seems as if the base is usually 3 games, then more games get added for injuries and recent (within 18 months, apparently Ovi's last one wasn't) suspensions.
Given that neither caused apparent injury, and Ovechkin hadn't been suspended in the last year and a half, the suspensions were consistent.
I think we can all agree this year is better then the random suspension system last year.


No, no I don't quite agree with what Shanny does.

But I don't agree with you either. Ovi's hit, while he jumps, is nowhere near as viscous as Ference's. Ovi's hitting a guy you can clearly see braced and ready for the hit. It's dirty, don't get me wrong, but at least the guy could protect himself. Ference dumps it, lines him up, and shoves him into the boards.

I'm a little more aggressive than Shanny would be. Those 1-game suspensions wouldn't exist in my ruling, because really, that's no punishment.

But back to the original point. Consistent and fair? Maybe not. But no one on this earth could be consistent and fair at the same time. Shanny's got a list of things he looks for, he talks to the guys. I don't mind the job he's doing. I just wish he'd start handing out much, much bigger suspensions.

@Meerkat - The guy Zetter hit, I've heard, wrote Shanny a letter explaining that he lost his edge and Zetter had nothing to do with him falling and asked he not be disciplined. I assume that's why there wasn't even a meeting despite the injury.


I cannot stand the inconsistency on the suspensions. For one, Michalek should have got at LEAST a one game suspension (though personally that was boarding at it's best if I ever saw it, so it should have been at least 3). And 2, Subban should have been suspended about 5 times now but for some reason I guess Slew footing is acceptable as long as you pay a $2,500 fine. Great Job NHL!

This is what I do not get....they want to "Prevent" dangerous hits and "protect" players on the Ice....but they "punish" the player AFTER the damage has already been done. Now, I'm not trying to Cooke bash, as I believe players CAN redeem themselves. But, how in the hell does Matt Cooke getting suspended last season for the playoffs help out Marc Savard after he got hit by him? It doesn't!

The League needs to think about man suspensions have been handed out already this season? Or the first 2 Months of the Pre-Season/Regular Season? Okay. Now, how many players are still hitting/cheap shotting players and currently getting suspended? Exactly. The players to me still do not seem "scared" of the suspension punishments, And I'm also scared that, players that have been suspended will be afraid to hit like they used to during the games....even if it would be a clean hit....the thought in the back of their mind would be "I don't want to jeopordize my career".

The whole thing is Inconsistent, and I'm not seeing how anything is working. Again I'll state my opinion on what would work....It's called bring back the Enforcer!

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