I like to think in extremes. When I say that I don't mean it in a violent sense but rather ideologically.?

That being said, what if we literally took half of the world and gave it to the liberals. They could literally create a "liberal utopia" with liberals migrating from every current country in the world. A place where there was no war, no military, no law enforcement, no constitution, no God, no religion (think John Lennon), no money, no assets, no property, no illegal immigration, no Capitalism, no profit, no energy created by natural resources other than the sun, there would be no OWS encampments because there would be nothing to protest against and of course there would be "free entitlements" for all!, no ......well you get the idea.

On the other half of the world there was Conservatism with everything absolutely opposite of the "liberal utopia".

What would happen?


Umm..none of you libs are actually answering the question.

lil' autarch2012-01-26T17:59:25Z

Favorite Answer

You must be referring to some other race of being than the Human. Or else you really need to brush up on human nature. (Liberals are humans.)


Liberalism started this country, was that utopian or just an expansion of personal liberties and rule of law?