C&G - have you seen the movie Gorillas In The Mist?

I heard that it makes Africans look really bad. link...






Flammer? no, but I don't know what that has to do with the question but it sounds like you are homophobic!


John M.. Nice!! haha...


Kat- I don't even know what the hell you're talking about it. I just don't know how you managed to turn this into a gay thread with the "flammer" comment? nothing in this post indicates the need for you to post something about flamming. Do you even know what the word means? See, this is the problem, you've been conditioned to think that if someone brings up apes, monkeys or gorillas then they must be a racist, and thus you think it's your duty to retaliate. Well, I have news for you, you are WRONG!


Favorite Answer

I saw it a long time ago. No, it doesn't make Africa look really bad; quite the opposite.


You're a little flammer their arn't you.

EDIT: ??? I dont know how homosexuality relates to being a internet flammer "one who instigates for shock value in a sutle manner." Your style being subjective towards blacks on occasion. Further more I know your type, the refined pseudo ethnocentrists with self titled terminologies relating to eurocentric antiquity. But thank you fro using the gay card, thats new. I stand by my below advice. Now I shall continue with Y!A


Have you seen PIGS IN THE MIST.



Gorillas In The Mist

Is about poachers who capture and kill monkey for money. Then eventually they kill some monkey friends and she try's to battle/save the animals. The end is she is murdered by poachers.

It's a slam on the poor people of Africa for killing animals for money.

It's a 3 out of a perfect 10

It's not a happy movie and the ending sucks.

Mariana Straits2012-01-28T18:14:49Z

Yes, I saw the movie.
No, it only makes poachers look bad.


No, not at all. The movie is very pro-gorilla.

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