Thomas Paine's Common Sense?

So I was reading through the fourth grade text book to get ready to teach tomorrow and I noticed that it said that "The pamphlet [Common Sense] was brief, inexpensive, and easy to understand" so I looked it up to print it. So far I haven't found a version that prints on less than 20 full pages.
I know I live in the modern age, but I'm a big reader and even I don't consider 20 pages brief. Also, how could that have been cheap to print? It's expensive even now!
Am I just crazy or is there an earlier version that was printed first that I could find? I'd like to have it for any kids that want to read it (you never know with my students) but 20 pages seems a awfully long...


Favorite Answer

For 4th graders they only need the guts.

Go for this abridged version, it has even got some questions in the margins. Maybe the whole class will end up reading it?


Twenty pages is not terribly long, and when you read it, I think you will find that not one word is wasted. It is a magnificent work written in concise language.