Do they also eat Cats in China or just Rats and Dogs?

Just wondering...

Wind On The Water2012-02-03T15:50:13Z

Favorite Answer

Yes, you can munch on cat if you have a mind to and you are in China. In fact, just recently a billionaire died after eating poisoned cat meat.
the article is below if you want to read about it.
When in china you can eat about anything that walk, crawls, slithers, swims or flies plus any type of egg layable. I know about what the Chinese people will eat thanks to a vivid national geographic magazine article about 25 years ago. c

una chava ♡2012-02-03T15:32:54Z



Yeah they do . my teacher he is Chinese & he said they eat dogs :/


Some do lots dont.


they'll eat anything like mexicans, indians and some others.

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