Do black people think Dave Chappelle's comedy is offensive?
I think he's GREAT but I just wanted to know what my black friends in C&G think.
I think he's GREAT but I just wanted to know what my black friends in C&G think.
Favorite Answer
I have only watched segments of the show...but I am not a fan...too many stereotypes which non-blacks have taken to heart...yes, they are funny but they are only a small part of black people but it just seems to reinforce in some minds that all black people walk around with dry, parched lips begging for crack or are pimps...loud women...just too stereotypical and think once he looked at it, he realized what he was feeding into hence he walked away. He is not funnier than Cosby in his hay day who could find universal comedy in universal things shared by all people...I think he realized that he had sold out but only after becoming a multi millionaire...Bring back MAD...they made fun of everyone much fairer and funnier.
Marga Himmler Gestapo
They would have to have the brain cell activity to understand that a N word comedian is not really a black comedian. I think Dave Chappelle could just stand for 30 min. and say the N word and some people would think it funny. Others would realize he is an idiot.
Look, you have to watch racial comedy with a totally open heart. Racial comedy is hilarious as it is usually true, just don't take it to heart. Laugh at yourself and don't worry about what people say, if it is funny to you, then it is funny.
Sometimes He's Funny. Sometimes He's Just Plain Ignorant.
No, I don't find him offensive. I think he's funny as heck!