Favorite Answer
Religious people cannot have evidence because what they believe is via faith - if they came up with "scientific" evidence they may have a leg to stand on - but they never do.
There is only one definition of evidence - if religious people wish to play fast and loose with semantic games to try and prop up their half baked ideas - that is up to them -they only end up looking like fools. There is one way to show whether what you think is true - and they don't do it.
What they do -is invert the burden of proof and get things back to front - which is why absurd statements like "The earth was made perfect for us,which is why we live here and not on other planets"!
Dr weasel
Yes they do. Scientists try very hard to measure things they observe to the finest point they can and compare their data to be as sure as they can about what they say. The trouble between scientists and their data is often that what they collect and what they think it means cannot be completely proven. Most of what you hear in science classes today are prevailing theories, not real fact. The theory of celestial gravitation was based on an observation of two bodies drawing close together without any outside force being placed upon them. The theory is used like a fact today because no evidence has disputed the theory and the theory is useful in science to explain a great deal, but the fact is we don't really know that the objects themselves are creating a force... the fact is the observation 'the bodies draw close together every time'. That is what makes it useful.'
As for Christianity and Judaic religion, the points of the faith are through persons and things that have happened. Observations and those who tell us what they believe they mean. Moses must have had a pretty clear understanding because those pillars of fire lead them in the dessert for 40 years and finally to Israel. They witnessed observations of very unusual kinds and were satisfied that the theories they heard were correct and accepted them. Now I cannot speak to all religions as I have not studied all of them, certainly their are false ones but to sell an idea you must have some little bit of truth to get people to listen so most will be a collection of a many truths combined with many lies.
truly religious and good scientists - both have a lot more acceptance -
Which takes them both faster to their goals -
They define evidence for what it is - something to be believed in YOURSELF
and not asking/talking/discussing among others about THEIR belief because its pointless.
They would rather spend energy in doing something productive.
They obviously talk about their methods,ways,their achieved info
No. Religious people like to refer to Scriptures that was set in stone thousands of years ago. Scientists are continually observing physical evidence to come up with newer and clearer answers.