Was the Inquisition, burning at the stake, slavery, genocide, etc part of the "divine plan"?
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Which Inquisition?
There is a huge difference in the reasoning for Inquisitions...
Spain was the Convertos
Britain was to kill all Catholics
Switzerland was witches, ect
Rome standard heresy
and so forth
The Christian church has always struggled with deviant and sectarian schismatics because when St Paul and his buddies invented the thing they made it from a whole mish-mash of older religious beliefs which were nailed onto the little that was known about an obscure Galilean messianic " prophet " whom we know today as Jesus Christ .
I am sure he existed as a real human being , preached his message ( as many others were doing at that time ) and got himself lynched as a bloody nuisance by the Jewish religious heirachy , who slipped the actual job onto the local Roman Garrison .
J C may well have thought he actually WAS the Messiah at the time , but as much of what he is ( unreliably ) alleged to have said on the matter is veiled and in deliberate double-entendres , we cant really say WHAT he thought .
Enter St Paul to tell us all about it .
The religion was made into the State one for the Eastern Roman Empire for the ( nowadays obscure )ends of one of the Emperors , and people everywhere enthusiastically started to elaborate and develop their own variant forms , and to commence killing their nominal fellow religionists for holding to some slightly different variant form .
Hence the Nicene and Athanasian Creeds , a valiant but doomed attempt to bring some coherence to the whole damn mess .
I was raised in the U K in the English Anglican Church , in which you can believe pretty much what you please , including , probably , the unspoken conviction that it is all B******ks anyway .
That Church has done a magnificent job in innoculating the English against religion for hundreds of years .
The recent Archbishop of Canterbury , Carey , sacerdotal head of the church , described it as being " like some deranged old lady , muttering away to herself in a corner " , which I think is rather apt .
That is why we find the Sectarian looneys of Northern Ireland so preposterous here .
And no , you are quite right , no God worth a damn would have had any truck with any of it .
The Inquisition had NOTHING to do with "genocide" (the destruction of a race because of its race), nor with slavery. Its purpose was disease-prevention - prevention of the spread of THE most terrible of all diseases - "Heresy".
Jesus of Nazareth had said "No man cometh to the Father but by me", which the Christian Church interpreted as meaning that entry into the Kingdom of Heaven required being Christian, andtherefore rejection of Christianity literally "opened the gates of Hell" for the souls of those who did it. Fortunately there were few of them throughout "Christendom..
Then came the Reformation, the great split in the Christian Church, when the ideas of Luther and Calvin were declared "heretical". Very large numbers of people all across Europe found those ideas attractive though (the"Protestants"), and the Roman Catholic Church was faced with a rapidly-spreading "mental disease" which would condemn the souls to "Eternal damnation in the fires of Hell".
As said, THE worst of all diseases, and highly-infectious too. It HAD to be stopped and eliminated (just as we are aiming to do today with far lesser diseases such as malaria, which harm only the body, and for a short life-time). To do this, ANY methods were considered justifiable - we rightly condemn sticking a knife into someone - but not if it is done by a surgeon with the object of saving the patient from a life-threatening disease. By making the penalty for heresy a public and peculiarly painful death, it was hoped that this would be a sufficient dererrent to others thinking of going the same way, and undoubtedly it did have such an effect upon the bulk of most populations.
It failed in some places though, notably the Netherlands and England. This because the "heretics" were equally convinced that THEIR ideas were the "right" ones, and that to die for them, even in so horrible a way, was "safer" in the long term than retracting. And, paradoxically, the public burnings excited admiration for the victims, and curiosity as to what could be SO important that ordinary men and women were prepared to suffer in such a way for it.
The Inquisition thus became the SPREADER of the very disease it was committed to eradicate.
As to its actions being "part of the Divine Plan" - that depended entirely upon whether you were Catholic or Protestant.
The horrror with which we now regard such actions needs to be tempered though. At the time they seemed entirely right, and indeed absolutely necesssary - and indeed, if the beliefs by which they were justified are really correct, then they were - and still ARE ! We would do well to look around at some of the ideas and behaviours which WE accept without question, and even firmly believe to be "right", and wonder what some future generations will make of them ?
Whenever Christianity or its cohorts took control of a country or region, the ancient spiritual texts and records were removed and/or destroyed and those who had spiritual knowledge were mass murdered by the Inquisition. This took out of circulation the very knowledge those in power have used and still use to manipulate the ignorant population using spiritual/occult power. The Bible is one of the most powerful subliminal tools used by a select few to enslave the masses. Most people are unaware of this because they lack knowledge regarding the occult, thought power, and psychic energy. The powers that be work to reinforce the belief that the occult, powers of the mind and spirit are nonsense or just plain bunk.
Destroying the ancient records allowed an alternative invented "history" to be written which has disconnected humanity from its true origins. Controlling history is important because if one manipulates how people see what we call the past, this influences the present and the future.
The entire Bible is an extremely powerful subliminal tool full of occult numbers, messages, allegories, and stolen material, which has been corrupted from ancient religions. In addition, this book has been infused with psychic energy and power to instill fear and to make it believable. When one's eyes are opened and one has the necessary knowledge, the *spell* will no longer be effective. The entire underlying theme of the Judeo/Christian Bible is the establishment of the fictitious history of the Jewish people in the mass mind. What the mass mind believes has power and the energy to make manifest in reality as thoughts are energy
There are vacuum-sealed vaults in the Vatican library containing thousands upon thousands of ancient esoteric books from around the world that have been stolen and hoarded over the years and kept out of public circulation. The Catholic Church, which is the root of the Christian religion, is controlled by a secret society that has abused occult power to enslave the masses. The end goal is the total enslavement of humanity, which they have worked towards relentlessly and ruthlessly.
It certainly wasn't divine to the people who were killed or suffered!